Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post-it® Blog-it

Now, when I first started this blog I had no intention of using it to vent, but I’m guessing it was inevitable. If you are confused by what I could possibly have to vent about that involves the little, square, yellow (sometimes other colors and shapes) office supplies, then you should just brace yourself. I promise that even though I am using my blog to expel some discontent, I will keep it entertaining. With that being said, just sit back and listen (well, read).

I want to apologize if the title is misleading because the truth is I have no problem with Post-it® notes at all. In fact, I love Post-it® notes and my frustration is a result of my current employer switching to a different brand. For those who don’t know, a quick side-note about my job. I am a financial processor at Lincoln Financial and I work in a locked room at cubicle. I use various office supplies which Lincoln offers, including sticky notes. (I am not able to divulge any more information due to the highly confidential nature of my job). But, enough about me and my job because I’m sure you are on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what Lincoln switched to instead of Post-it®. Well, in the style of Ryan Seacrest (such a tool) you will have to wait until after the break (which just means the next paragraph).

Stickies™. Lincoln switched to a paler yellow sticky note from Staples® called Stickies™. Note only are they a paler yellow (which I personally find ugly) but the adhesive on them is atrocious. I quite literally have written notes on them and stuck them to the outside of my computer monitor only to have to continually re-attach them because they constantly come unstuck. It is quite the annoyance and way below my expectations of an adhesive note. It has come to the point that I am not only ranting about it online, but I have seriously contemplated purchasing my own personal supply of Post-it® notes to use at work. Staples® Stickies™ are such a poor product that I am making a statement to all of you who have accidentally happened upon this blog and for some reason kept reading, “Do not purchase Staples® Stickies™”. This is more of a warning than a command.

I would like to thank Arthur Fry for inventing the Post-it® note, and a special thanks to Spence Silver (sounds like a TV Character from the 60’s) who invented the glue on the back. I know, you thought it was Romy and Michele who invented them, but then you would just be one who was mislead by an 80’s movie. It is ok, because that can happen to the best of us. Much like an 80’s movie, Post-it® notes are iconic. You have never heard of somebody Stickies™-ing (that sounds so wrong) somebody’s car. In fact, many refer to all adhesive notes as Post-it® notes regardless of brand (much like they do with Kleenex® in regards to facial tissues). In fact, I myself have had some fun times with Post-it® notes. I have used them (more than once) as a way to add some decoration to a friend’s apt (each note having its own special message on it). But, as you can see from the lovely pictures I have added (for those who don’t like to read) there are many things Post-it® notes can be used for, all of which are quite creative.

I will end this post now before one of two things happen. Either I get really preachy about the importance of Post-it® and start an uprising against Staples® and the Stickies™. Option two is I get overly emotional and sentimental as I begin to recall all the times I have used Post-it® notes. It is also a good time to end because I am pretty darn close to being about the usual length of my other blog posts.

If you need to remember something, don’t just write it down, Post-it® (3M should pay me for that slogan)


1 comment:

  1. I sympathize with your situation. Generally these truly idiotic decisions are made by people who don't have to use the supplies that are ordered.


    These are the people who keep substandard products like Stickies on the market, when by consumer choice, due to the open market economy, they should die a quick death.

    If possible, you should requisition a few hundred rolls of Scotch tape, with which to stick your Stickies to flat surfaces.

    Good luck!
