Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bloggle Bloggle Bloggle

Let me start off by saying that grammar and sentence structure are no fun.  The lack of blog post could be blamed on my enrollment in school, thus I’ve been too busy with class work.  While this is the most logical and truthful reason; I prefer the following explanation.  I believe that I was in fact a sleeper agent for the Soviets.  I know it seems improbable since I am not Russian but go with me on this.  I believe that they (the Soviets) have been making me use any free time I may have on creating an idiot-proof way to make communism work.  I believe that after 2 months of trying with no results that they have moved on to the next sleeper agent on the list.  I digress, because you don’t want to hear of my attempts to idiot-proof communism, you want another mind numbing blog, so here goes.
Power to the Proletariat...(Seriously, I'm not a commy) 
Some of you may or may not know this (very few do because I haven’t really been advertising it), but I have recently started P90X yet again.  This is my 3rd attempt to make it through all 90 days and I am quite optimistic about my chances.  Let us first quickly recap why the first two attempts failed.  The first time I attempted this 90 feat it was with some friends of mine (you know who you are, but incase you forgot you are: Nick and Melissa Highley and Jennifer Thomas).  Well, not to point fingers (Nick) but when one of the members of our workout group began to quit I too quit.  I know that is a lame excuse but it is true.  The second attempt was just under a year and a half ago.  I thought for sure I would complete all 90 days since I had an accountabilibuddy (few will get this joke but those who do, I tip my hat to you).  Even with Brad Thomas (that’s right, I called you out too) as my accountabilibuddy, there was just one thing that made completing those 90 days impossible.  Some may be asking what that one thing was, many already know.  Well, for those who didn’t already know, that one this was a ruptured disc in my lower back.  After more than a year though I am ready to begin this 90 day journey again, but you may be wondering what in the world this title has to do with P90X.  Be patient and keep reading.
Tony kind of scares me...
If you were guessing that bloggle bloggle bloggle was referring to turkey than congrats to you my friend.  Now for the big connection between turkey and P90X which would be…I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for continuing to read my blog despite the extended absence…the P90X diet plan (I know, most disappointing lead up of the year).  I am currently in the first stage of P90X and the diet plan, which is a high lean protein and low carb and dairy sort of diet.  Pretty much that means I get to eat lots of turkey products.  In one day, I had 5 different forms of turkey:  turkey burger, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, turkey jerky, and turkey deli meat.  One may become quite hateful towards turkey after so much.  I know I was quite hostile towards it, cursing the turkey bacon letting it know that it wasn’t really bacon.  I then had an aha moment (Mutual of Omaha should do a commercial starring me, because my aha moment was actually an aha moment unlike the vast majority of the ones in their commercials).  My epiphany to my turkey troubles was the realization that the more turkey burgers, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, and turkey jerky I ate, that meant that when I finally had the real thing it was going to make actual burgers, actual bacon, actual sausage, and actual jerky taste that much better.  This realization has helped me choke down turkey bacon burger with a little less disdain towards turkey.  May this help us all in our diet related angst.
Don't read too much into this picture, I like Charlie Brown and there is a turkey in it.
I want to apologize for the Soviets keeping me away from my blog and filling a few minutes of your time with some pointless ramblings.  I know, even though you may not admit it, that you missed these posts and that your lives were hollow and meaningless without them.  I want to assure you, provided that the Soviets don’t claim my free time once more, that I shall continue to provide fullness and meaning to your lives with my blog.

Gobble gobble,


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