Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's a Bird...It's a Plane...No, It's LD's Blog

I am not Superman.  I know, you may just be thinking to yourself, “Yeah, I know you’re not Superman, you can’t fly and you don’t have X-ray or heat vision, you don’t have they curly cue or super strength or speed.”  All of this is correct but I was told I look like young version of Superman’s secret identity, Clark Kent, so I felt it necessary to assure you I am not the Man of Steel.  I will be including multiple pictures of actors who have portrayed Superman so you can decide for yourself, but I think it was just a far stretch for a compliment.

George Reeves
Christopher Reeve

When she told me I looked like a young Superman I thought it was absurd.  The funny thing is though, that even though I thought it to be absurd, I was still flattered by it.  In fact, I was quite flattered by it, enough so that I was still thinking about it 2 days later which is why I am typing up this here blog post.  Though, just to be clear, I haven’t been dwelling on whether or not I look like Superman these past 2 days.  I was mostly just reminded about it when I saw one of the more recent actors to portray the Man of Steel in another movie I rented on Netflix.  I rented Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, (Which is good, but I have a feeling I would’ve liked it a lot more had I been 22 when I was watching it) and Brandon Routh was in it as a Vegan (which I am the exact opposite of; I am what you call a Meatatarian, a term coined by Wendy’s in their Baconator commercials. There may be a Baconator vs BK Stacker blog in the near future).  So, the combination of seeing Brandon Routh and being reminded of my recent compliment has resulted in this post.

Brandon Routh
 I don’t plan to discuss the other Superman actors or really even Superman himself, which would be too predictable and mundane.  Actually, I am reminded of Metro Man (voiced by Brad Pitt who I know I look nothing like) from Megamind.  Metro Man is essentially Superman which is the loose connector I am going to use to segway into talking about Megamind which I recently saw at the dollar theater (for $3).  I was a bit apprehensive about this movie because I have rarely liked any star studded DreamWorks animated films, such as:  Madagascar 1 & 2, Over the Hedge, All but the first Shrek, and then most others I had no interest in seeing such as Monsters vs Aliens and Flushed Away.  This being said, I found Megamind to be quite entertaining and surprisingly enough, it wasn’t completely predictable.  If DreamWorks can continue to make films like Megamind and Kung Fu Panda I may just start trusting them.  Maybe, but there its going to take a lot of good to put them anywhere near Pixar, who I’ve learned to no longer doubt (though Cars 2 looks iffy).  Not sure where I was hoping to go with that but I’m going to end it with a recommendation to go out and rent Megamind whenever it comes out.

Dean Cain
Tom Welling

I didn’t include the newest Superman, Henry Cavill, because his movie/show hasn’t come out yet.  That being said, I wish they would’ve rebooted Superman years ago instead of doing Superman Returns because I really liked the cast in that.  I thought Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey were perfect casts.  But, I guess it is just cool to reboot everything now.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, let me enlighten you.  Another recent superhero movie franchise is being rebooted soon as well, Spiderman.  I take this one a little harder because I, like most, thought that the first two movies were excellent and only the third one was hard to watch.  I can understand replacing actors and ignoring the third movie but it seems so soon to do a total reboot.  It was less that 10 years ago that I saw Peter Parker first get bit by the mutated spider, and now I have to do that all over again?  I just don’t see the need to do a full reboot.  Just an upgrade is all we need.  For those who thought I was talking about Tron when I was talking about reboots, you are wrong on multiple accounts.  One, I was talking about Spiderman not Tron. And two, Tron Legacy is a continuation of the original Tron movie, not a reboot.  Since Disney has it’s hands on Tron you should expect to see at least one or two more of those in the near future.  But, Disney should be redeeming the Pirates franchise soon enough.  I feel I have begun to ramble to a point that is no longer entertaining.  With that I will end this post.

I am not Superman, but I do have an alter ego,


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