Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Grandma Got Run Over by a Blog

You may be thinking to yourself that LD has finally lost it because Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is a Christmas song, not a special, but you would be wrong.  It is actually both.  Also, it isn’t just some Christmas song; it was recently voted the second most annoying Christmas song played on the radio.  That’s a pretty big honor because it is on a list with Santa Baby (also a bad Christmas Special, with Jenny McCarthy), I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, and I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.  All of these are terribly annoying Christmas songs that cause the majority of us to switch radio stations when they come on.  One would think a Christmas special about one of these would be too unappealing to even watch once, but I’ve watched it at least 3 times (I have been ridiculed for watching it as well).

As you should know by now that there is really very little rhyme or reason as to whether or not I like a particular Christmas special.  One may assume I’d be ripping this one to shreds because that could be done very easily.  Well, I implore you not to assume (because it makes an…you should know the saying) because I actually kind of like this special.  I’m not sure why either, there isn’t really anything that sticks out as great to me and I definitely don’t like the song for which it was inspired.  Perhaps it is just the pure uniqueness of the whole thing.  It really is the only special I have seen featuring a missing Grandma, a wicked cousin, a courtroom, and fruitcake.  See, those 4 things and now I have all of you intrigued to this special as well.  Since I can tell you are all anxious to see this special now, I promise to do my best not to reveal too much of it.

Potential Spoiler Alert: It wasn’t Egg Nog that got Grandma ran over.  I won’t tell you what it was though.  Egg Nog is one Christmas tradition that I myself have never indulged in myself.  To me, Egg Nog just doesn’t sound appetizing.  I haven’t had it spiked either.  Even though I must admit I kind of want to try some Nog-A-Sake, a mixture of Egg Nog and sake (a drink I heard about from Andrew Bernard of the Office).  I really just want Nog-A-Sake because it is fun to say (and I hope you just said it out loud).  I guess also because it was mentioned on the Office, even though I haven’t been impressed with recent episodes of the Office.  But, this is about Grandma and her Egg Nog addiction not the quality decline of the Office.  I did say that Egg Nog did not cause Grandma to be run over, but she really did have too much.


Despite Grandma’s Egg Nog addiction, she did make the best fruitcake.  Now, I know that the topic of fruitcake has been done to death by just about any comedian out there.  I’m not calling myself a comedian to clarify, but I’m just saying the topic has been well covered.  With this topic being so well covered it would be crazy for me to try to add more to it.  Well, call me crazy.  The thing is I’ve never had fruitcake.  I’ve sold it when I worked at GFS but I never have tasted it.  From what I’ve heard from various people, including comedians, I think it has kind of a bad wrap (get it? Since it is Christmas).  To me, it sounds like a pound cake with Skittles in it.  How could that be so bad?  Maybe somebody should just start making pound cakes with Skittles in them and call them fruitcakes.  Actually, Skittles should patent the idea and call them SkittleCakes.  I would totally try a SkittleCake.  I’m not big on desserts but I love Skittles and I’m not against cake.  I think SkittleCake could be my best idea since December 15th being Die Hard day. 

So, I don’t think I really talked about the special.  I may have mentioned it but the majority is more rants about Egg Nog and fruitcake (and the soon to be holiday treat, SkittleCake).  I feel good about that.  The random rants feel natural and organic so I’m leaving them.  Also, I like how my blog is self-aware.  I say that meaning that when I type I know it’s a blog and not some great piece of literature.  There are probably tons of grammatical errors but as long as it can be read an understood I’m ok with it.  I mean, this is for entertainment not some English course, am I right?  Of course I’m right.  It is my blog.  I’m always right (ok, I know I’m not always right, infact, I was corrected on the Elf blog that the whale with a unicorn horn is a real animal called a narwhal).  Anyways, I’ve kept you from trying to find and watch Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer long enough.

As for me and Grandpa, we believe,


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